GOALSBC Tournament Rules

The game starts with Fair Play

Game Rules

Uniforms & Soccer gear

  1. Teams to bring both a light and dark colored shirt.
  2. Metal cleats ARE PROHBITTED.

Game Rules

  1. Games are 7-a-side mixed; min 2 male / female must be on the field (excluding keeper!).
  2. Captains will rock-paper-scissors to determine who will start with the ball. The game will start with a kick-off at the centre spot.
  3. Teams will pick which end they start based on rock-paper-scissors.
  4. A kick-off will also restart the game after a goal is scored.
  5. A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick-off.
  6. The opposing team must be at least 6 yards away from the ball in any direction on a kick-off, until the ball has been put into play.
  7. Balls are out of play when the entire ball has crossed the side-line – this will result in a kick-in. A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick-in.
  8. Balls are out of play when the entire ball has crossed the end line – this will result in a corner kick or a goal kick depending on which player last touches the ball. Opposing players must stand at least 6 yards away until the kick is taken.
  9. Goalies cannot touch the ball with their hands if it from a direct back pass from one of their own players. Goalkeeper can use their hands inside the goal area when the opposing team kicks the ball towards the goalie or if their own teammate heads the ball back to them.  If a goalie uses his/her hands to play the ball in when it was thrown/passed by his/her own team then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick at the spot of the handling.
  10. NO sliding or slide tackling.
  11. NO offsides.
  12. Handballs – Hand to Ball not Ball to Hand (please only call for deliberate hand balls, i.e. a movement towards the ball)
  13. Rolling substitutions can be made during game play, however the player coming in and out must enter / leave the field at the same spot. Goalkeepers can only be substituted for at a stoppage in play.
  14. Fouls result in a direct free kick to the opposing team from where violation happened, unless the foul is in the penalty box in which case a penalty is awarded.
    • Defending players must be at least six yards away from the spot of an free kick, except when the ball is being kicked from a point closer than six yards from the goal line – in which case the defending players may stand on their goal line.
  15. Penalty kicks occur when a defender (or goalkeeper) commits/is called for a foul of any type while inside their penalty area.
    • All players, except the goalkeeper and the player taking the kick, must remain outside of the goalie box until the ball is kicked
    • Goalkeeper must stand on their own goal-line between the goal posts without moving forward until the ball is kicked
    • Penalty kick must go forward, and the kicker cannot touch the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player
    • Penalty spot will be taken from eight yards from the goal
  16. Penalty shoot out is 5 penalties each. If tie, then sudden death and only allowed to repeat penalty takers after everyone has taken one penalty each.
  17. For a player to be eligible for knock out games, he or she must have played in at least 3 / 5 group games for the same team.
  18. Each game is 20 mins straight and it will start when the referee whistles. No half time.


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