A Few Words
About GoalsBC
Goals BC is about enjoying the beautiful game of soccer in a friendly but competitive environment.
Whilst playing soccer in BC a group of soccer players found that their love for the game wasn’t being met with just the odd rec game or drop in soccer game and wanted something a bit more competitive. Without playing 11 a side it was difficult to find a well-organized game.
Goals BC has been created to fill this gap; offering fair, friendly competitive game plays and focus on 7 a side and smaller style games.
Our aim is not just about bringing quality soccer, but about bringing local people together from all different backgrounds, sharing the good times as a community, and emphasizing a healthy level of competitiveness.
Come and join one of our leagues today!
Players are from all parts of the world; England to Germany, Japan to South Korea, Brazil to Canada bringing together a great community feel to the game.
International country and city names are given for fun, with players being given the chance to do their chosen nation and club proud!